Period 6 Time of regents and princes

The pursuit of monarchs for absolute power

We all have a bad day. But a disaster year? 1672 went down in history as a disaster year. We were attacked on all sides.

Period 7 Time of wigs and revolutions

Thinking about state and society in the Enlightenment

Now you learn at home and at school that you have to form your own opinion. In the past, this was often punished. History was changed by the 18th century philosophers.

Period 7 Time of wigs and revolutions

Slave labour on plantations and the rise of abolitionism

Unfortunately, slave labour still exists. In the history of the Netherlands there was also a lot of slave trade. The Netherlands has made a lot of money from it.

Period 7 Time of wigs and revolutions

The pursuit of fundamental rights and the political influence of the citizenry in the French and Batavian Revolution

What would you do if you were the boss of the Netherlands? In history there have been many people who wanted absolute rule over the Netherlands.


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