Period 4

Time of cities and states

Have you ever heard of the separation between church and state? In the middle ages this did not exist yet. The Pope was more powerful than the emperor.

Period 5

Time of explorers and reformers

History is shaped by discoveries and reforms. But there is only one period that can be called the time of the explorers and reformers.

Period 5 Time of explorers and reformers

The uprising and the emergence of an independent Dutch state

The Pope is very powerful. But back in history, his power was much greater. Did you know that the Netherlands had to fight its way free from the Catholics?

Period 6 Time of regents and princes

Emergence of trade capitalism and beginning of global economy

Exploring the world without a map in a wooden boat was a huge challenge. The Dutch from the era of the golden age took on this challenge.

Period 6 Time of regents and princes

Civil governance and urban culture in the Netherlands

In the era of the golden age there was a displacement of power. The church had had the most power for a long time. Now the citizens were allowed to rule.

Period 7 Time of wigs and revolutions

Thinking about state and society in the Enlightenment

Now you learn at home and at school that you have to form your own opinion. In the past, this was often punished. History was changed by the 18th century philosophers.

Period 8

Time of citizens and steam engines

Have you ever thought about what it means to be a citizen? From the 19th century onwards, civil rights became more and more civil rights. Unfortunately not everyone.

Period 9 Time of world wars

The totalitarian nature of the communist political system

What do you do if an idea doesn't work? Then you come up with a new idea. In the era of the world wars, they sought an alternative to democracy.

Period 9 Time of world wars

The global economic crisis

An economic crisis erupted in 2009. A lot of people looked back in history. People were afraid of a crisis like the 1930s.

Period 10 Time of television and computer

Cold War and the block-making between East and West

The cold war. After the Second World War we have always been afraid of a 3rd world war. For years there was a real threat of a world war.


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